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Beneficial Things to know before you arrive to class. 

What to Wear & Bring

Please wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement but is also not excessively flow-y or loose. Grippy socks are nice to have but not necessary. I will ask you to remove your regular socks so you do not slip on the floor. Yoga mats are needed for all group classes. Long hair is best put in a ponytail.

Exercise and Weight Room Equipment

Can I use/rent your treadmill, elliptical, and/or other weight room equipment? Unfortunately, mostly no. I carry liability insurance for me, as an exercise specialist, to monitor you. Which means, you can use the equipment if you hire me to personal train you. 

Outdoor Shoes - NoNo

Prepare to go barefoot. Please take your outdoor shoes off at the door. Chairs are provided. If you really do not want to go without shoes, bring socks. I have grippy socks to borrow. No shoes on the reformer. You will need indoor athletic shoes for personal training sessions. 

Time to Arrive

Five to Ten Minutes before start time. Doors will open ten minutes before class, please do not arrive prior to ten minutes unless scheduled ahead of time. Please try to arrive at least five minutes before class. On-time is five minutes early. Start time is late. Life does get in the way and sometimes I cannot make it but within the 5-10 minute window. I will text/email if all is lost.

Where is my Door? 

My studio is located at 408 Main St. However, the door is accessed in the courtyard of Billy Goats (behind the restaurant) at the NE corner at the base of the concrete steps. During winter months, please access the courtyard via the 4th Avenue entrance, as the concrete steps of the restaurant patio can be snowy and icy. I try to keep the path from 4th Ave. clear of ice and snow, but melt and freeze happens, so please be careful. Please be respectful of diners on the deck during the summer months if you choose to use the Main Street courtyard entrance. 

What's up with the Desk? Where's the restroom? 

I have another job, and that is bookkeeping for Stonewood Property Management. The upper deck is my office space where I hang my landlord hat. There is a first doorway with a curtain, do not pay attention to the man behind the curtain (nothing to see storage) and the restroom is the second doorway. You are more than welcome to use the restroom. 

I'm super tall/short can I do you classes? Overweight? Inflexible?

The reformer is adjustable to most heights. I have barres mounted at two different heights. My Allegro Reformer is designed to support as much as 300#s, our barres are well bolted into the studs. The free-standing barre is for balance only. Inflexible? All my classes start where you are at and work in flexibility, mobility, strength and stretch. So come, relax and take up your space in the world! 



408 Main St. 

Ouray, CO  81427-1017

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The information provided by this website, Zoga Wellness, LLC & DBAs, & by its instructors are for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness, injury or disease. Please consult a trusted health professional before beginning any new health program.

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